Premium Advanced Courses

From Immediate Implantology to Socket-Shield Surgery, from Soft Tissue Management to Digitally Guided Implantology, you can find here the most innovative, cutting-edge seminars & Hands-on Courses that will bring you at the forefront of Modern Implant Dentistry.

Premium Implant Surgical Guides

It is now possible to have Surgical Guides and Guided Prosthetic Management made by Implantologists for Implantologists! Visit our Guided Services section in this website.

Premium Case Support

Responding to the most fundamental need, which we all have as Dental Practitioners, the ImmediaTeam offers customized, personal Guided Case Support to every Dentist/ Implantologist, who needs to navigate himself/herself through the complexities and the dilemmas of difficult Implant cases relative to Guided Surgery.


The ImmediaTeam International Association (ITIA) provides state-of-the-art multi-level education in Oral Implantology and Digital Planning services relative to Guided Implant Surgery for dentists worldwide.

The ITIA courses and seminars are specifically designed to cover the needs of the beginner, intermediate and advanced Implantologist, focusing on cutting-edge theoretical and hands-on training, which prepares the trainee to face the challenges of modern Oral Implantology.

Furthermore, the ImmediaTeam is consisted by highly experienced Implantologists, who are specialized in the areas of Digital Implant Treatment Planning and the subsequent fabrication of high-quality Surgical Guides that facilitate prosthetically-driven Implant Placements in every clinical situation.


Treatment Plans and Surgical Guides made by Implantologists for Implantologists!

Training Courses

A truly unique program that is focused on training the participant on the successful use of Immediate Implantology on a daily basis.

Managing the periodontal & peri-implant soft tissue brings ultimate control to even the most challenging cases.

Get to know the most advanced, ‘’old-fashioned’’ training on Guided Implantology that has ever been created!